Monday, September 26, 2011

"Doubt and Fear, the Usual Suspects"

"Doubt and Fear, the Usual Suspects"

People appear confident, self assured, tough as nails, larger than life. They poke their chest out in an outward sign of being more than a conquer, but within lies a frightened, fearful, insecure and doubtful individual. Many are living their lives under the influence of doubt and fear! It is a package deal; you cannot have one with out the other. Our fears unleash our doubts.

In our present age, why are some many people suffering with anxiety, worry, nervousness, depression, phobias, irritability, sleep disorders, panic attacks, eating disorders, and ulcers, the answer is because of doubt and fear? Doubt and fear is the root cause of many mental and physical disorders today. Doubt and fear are the two emotions that have put countless numbers of people in the graveyard prematurely. Surely enough we do a great deal of damage to our deep emotions because we succumb to doubt and fear. Illnesses come about because of a considerable amount of worry, anxiety, doubt and fear. Many are trapped under the weight of their own doubts and fears. The sad commentary is that many have been building their lives on doubt/fear and not on faith and freedom.

Doubt and fear will always be our enemy because it is born of the enemy, but “perfect love casteth out fear”, 1 John 4:18. We need not doubt and we need not fear because the Lord assures us that we can overcome and be victorious in any area of our lives, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and a sound mind” 2 Tim 1:7.

Excerpt form my soon to be released book, “Take the Shackles Off Your Mind”
© Copyrighted Material 2011 Marquis Evans

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