Tuesday, September 27, 2011

“What will a man or woman give in exchange for their soul!”

“What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and loses his own soul”
- Matt 16:26

At what price are you willing pay to have a spacious home, fancy cars, big boat, designer clothes, the latest gadgets etc. Material possessions cannot buy you lasting peace and happiness. People are risking their freedom, relationships, their good name for the sake of wealth. People are literally making a deal with the devil in exchange for power, fame, wealth and material acquisitions. It profits one nothing if you sell your soul to the enemy. Things can’t save you, only God can save you. People pay a heavy price to have wealth and material possessions. Our soul is priceless. All the money and gold in the world will never be a fare exchange for your soul. Is there such a thing as an even exchange for your soul?

Excerpt form my soon to be released book, “Take the Shackles Off Your Mind – Daily Journal ”
© Copyrighted Material 2011 Marquis Evans

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